3 research outputs found

    Assessing Idiopathic Scoliosis Knowledge Levels Among Malaysian Physiotherapists and Associating Their Clinical Experience

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    Physiotherapists play a significant role in the conservative management of idiopathic scoliosis (IS) patients. This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge on IS among practising physiotherapists and the association between years of clinical experience and the level of knowledge. A total of 63 physiotherapists responded to the International Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SORSOT) questionnaire. The findings demonstrated that the level of knowledge among the physiotherapists was poor, particularly regarding the prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of IS. There was a significant association between years of clinical experience and the level of knowledge

    Adapting Medical Museums: Technology, Education, and Research

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    In Malaysia, medical museums are transforming, extending their reach beyond conventional medical student training to encompass public education and health awareness. This modernisation incorporates cutting-edge technologies such as 3D printing, QR codes, augmented reality, diversified exhibitions, and hands-on learning experiences. The overarching goal is to captivate a broader audience while advancing medical research and public health education. To achieve this, strategies like interactive exhibits and multi-sector collaborations are employed. This study explores the role of medical museums and the impact of technological innovations on visitor experience and engagement

    Determination of the Concept of Rahmah in the Lives of Persons with Disabilities

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    Since the early days of Islam, Muslim intellectuals have debated the idea of kindness. Incorporating the notion of grace into all actions and suggestions serves as the foundation for establishing a cohesive and contented society. Islam is a religious belief system that promotes the cultivation of mercy among its adherents. Rahmah is a praiseworthy character that means love, politeness, and gentleness in relationships with all creatures that live with humans, whether with humans or animals. This Rabbani quality rahmah is a universal element that overshadows every creature. In Malaysia, those with disabilities are often referred to as disabled people. This study aims to demonstrate the compassion method in caring for disabled persons and to correctly grasp the notion of mercy from Islamic view. This study employs a review on a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of kindness within the experiences of persons with disabilities. In conclusion, the concept of mercy in the lives of the disabled clearly illustrates the importance of a good life for the group